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Sagelucy WoW Classic, as its name implies is a re-release version of the first genre-defining MMO in 2004 with a few functionality changes. It's available for free for current subscribers of WoW. For moreinformation, read our list of everything you need to be aware of WoW Classic.

Launch is only the start for WoW Classic The game will continue to evolve, and Blizzard plans to launch new features and activities including The raid Blackwing Lair The PvP battlefield Warsong Gulch, and server-wide events like that of Scourge Invasion, among other aspects.

World of Warcraft has changed quite a bit since it first launched 15 years ago. However, as gamers have enjoyed witnessing the world shaken up to the core by Cataclysm or picking sides in the Battle for Azeroth and the Battle for Azeroth, it's easy miss the simple joys of the original version. Blizzard allows you to revisit the past through World of Warcraft Classic, an updated version of the game that only has minor tweaks. What you should know in order to get back to an earlier version of Azeroth available now available, albeit with some occasional glitches regarding server queues, completing quests, as well as other things.

It was expected this launch has brought with it a massive increase of interest. Therefore, WoW Classic players are encountering huge server queues and in some cases there are errors indicating that servers are down. Blizzard said it was anticipating the demand to be high and could result in long wait times for joining in the first few hours after the servers are launched. You might want to think about the possibility of creating or moving your characters to a server that has a low number of players when you're ready to sign up and don't have time to wait.

If you want to know more about WoTLK Classic Gold, please visit

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