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There are two types of cooking: cooking

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Posts: 3
# 08.08.2021 - 03:07:13

There are two types of RS gold cooking: cooking fish/meat and cooking bread/pies/stews/pizzas/cakes. It isn't financially economically viable to cook meat or fish because cooked fish/meats are more expensive than fresh. The reason is that some people prefer the cooking experience above the money so they will spend more money for raw fish. Cooking fish or meat isn't profitable.

On the other hand cooking bread/pies/pizzas/stews/cakes is very profitable. Since you don't have to spend much money to prepare them, they are extremely lucrative. To make stew, you'll need a bowl (4 cents), a potato (which can be picked in fields for free) and meat (free). You paid 4 coins to purchase a bowl of stew, which will now be worth 163 dollars. You just buy OSRS gold gained 159 coins. Although it doesn't appear to be a lot, the amount quickly accumulates.

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